Mayoress visit

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 2:10pm

Children at Sutton Oak had the privilege of meeting Mada Mayor Sue Murphy and COnsort Mike Murphy. Madam Mayor kindly visited the school and spoke to the head boy and girl about their improtant role. She held an assembly with Year 3 and Year 4 children and told them all aobut her role as Mayor of St.Helens and the many roles and responsibilities that she has. The children where thengiven the opportunity to ask her lots of quesitons about her role and of course they wanted to know who her favourite football and rugby team where!

Madam Mayor then continued her duties as she formally opened our two amazing libraries and chatted with some of our reading amabassadors. 

We would like to thank Madam Mayor and her Consort for their visit to our school, you are an amazing ambassador for St.Helens and have also encouraged all of our children to be ambassadors too!

Contact Us

Sutton Oak C.E. Primary School

Goodban Street, Sutton,
St Helens, WA9 3QD

Business Manager - Mrs J Palin

Tel: 01744 678690
Fax: 01744 678692


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