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Welcome to our school...

Welcome to Sutton Oak Church of England Primary School. Our aim is to provide a secure, safe and positive environment based on Christian values in which your child can reach their potential and become a responsible, trustworthy and caring member of society. We strive to offer a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that enables children to flourish and leave our school with a rich experience and understanding of Christianity.

Our Vision

Believe, achieve and grow together in Christ.  (Philippians 4:13)

Our Mission

Inspiring a love of learning, love for one another and faith in God.

Our Christian Values

Friendship, Compassion, Forgiveness, Respect, Truthfulness, Trust, Perseverance, Thankfulness 

Through our Christian values and the teachings of Christ, we endeavour to support not only our pupils but the wider community.

Mr I. Williams


Please click below to see our wonderful school in action:



Reception open evening 2024.JPG


*For Information on 30 Hours Funding*




Our Church have a local foodbank running for the people of Sutton .

It’s on Sundays and Mondays at St Michaels Church Gartons Lane from 12 noon to 3pm. Vouchers and referrals are not needed. 


If you are struggling during these uncertain times please use our local Foodbanks in St Helens. Please contact Amanda Bradshaw at school on 01744 678690 for more information. Thank you.

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Contact Us

Sutton Oak C.E. Primary School

Goodban Street, Sutton,
St Helens, WA9 3QD

Business Manager - Mrs J Palin

Tel: 01744 678690
Fax: 01744 678692


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Believe, achieve and grow together in Christ.
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